
My name is Denzel Asiedu, a graphic designer, and illustrator based in Manassas, VA.

I have lived in a lot of nearby towns, so perhaps you could consider Northern Virginia, in general, to be my home.

Growing up, I loved drawing characters from my favorite cartoons and anime shows. Through these mediums, however, it was visual storytelling that really cemented my passion for the arts. While studying art at the Art Institute of Washington and immersing myself in the almighty internet, I was struck by how strong a tool graphic design can be for communicating and packaging stories (and not to trivialize it) simply by using shapes, colors, and lines. My mind was blown!

After school, I landed myself a couple of freelancing gigs, a contract job, and even later a full-time job in my own town as an in-house graphic designer for a promotional supplier.

In my free time, you'll find me producing music, writing the comic book series I've been toiling over since middle school, or rewatching the entire MCU for the umpteenth time.